The big news this week has been the Federal Government shutdown. As with prior shutdowns, there can be some impacts to Wyoming libraries.
Please note that Wyoming State Library federally funded resources and projects are not impacted at this time.
What may be affected is the availability of federal government information. The U.S. Government Publishing Office has issued a statement that access to their websites will be available, but they will not be updated, web inquiries will not be answered, and bookstore orders will not be fulfilled. The Library of Congress also issued a statement that their website will be available, but not updated, and web inquiries will not be answered.
Availability of information from other Federal Government agencies will depend on each agency’s furlough plan. In prior shutdowns, the Wyoming State Library reference staff found that some resources were unavailable.
If you are having difficulty accessing government information during the shutdown, please contact the WSL at or (307) 777-6333.