Latest Library News
Summer Magic at the Campbell County Public Library
A crowd of over 150 young Campbell County Public Library patrons and their families watched, gasped, and giggled while Wyoming magician Byron Grey performed at the CCPL on...
Sublette County Teens Create Clay Creatures
Have you ever wondered what happens when you give twenty-two teenagers a crash course in polymer clay and an opportunity to create adorable creatures? The Sublette County...
Wyoming Boys’ State Delegates Visit the Wyoming State Library
Four representatives from the 2024 Wyoming Boys' State delegation visited the Wyoming State Library on Friday, June 14. Each young man was assigned a state government...
Niobrara County Kids Read to a Special Buddy
Young Niobrara County Library patrons have a weekly opportunity during the summer to practice reading aloud to a unique reading buddy--a dog named Delilah. This arrangement...
Wyoming Library Leadership Institute Application Deadline Extended to June 21
The deadline for Wyoming Library Leadership Institute (WLLI) has been extended to Friday, June 21. There is still plenty of time and room for applications! Please spread the...
Smokey the Bear Visits Sweetwater County Library
Smokey the Bear paid a visit to the Sweetwater County Library on June 11. Young SCL patrons learned about fire safety with Forest Service personnel and Smokey the Bear, who...
Take Your Career to the Next Level
June 13 is Certified Nurse Assistants (CNA) Day. This day honors these dedicated professionals that serve others on a daily basis, acting as coordinators between doctors and...
News Briefs June 2024
Here is a roundup of news and articles regarding libraries and library professionals. Early Childhood Trauma Toolkit Now Available In January 2024, the Early Childhood...
Hot Springs County Library Kicks Off Summer Reading with Foam and Noise
The Hot Springs County Library in Thermopolis, Wyoming, kicked off their summer with two special events for kids. Thermopolis children said "goodbye" to school and "hello"...
June Grant and Award Opportunities
Here is June's roundup of grants available to libraries with deadlines in the next few months, or with rolling or ongoing deadlines. Check back each month for an updated...
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