Your Feedback is Requested
WebJunction and the Idaho Commission for Libraries need your help as they develop a new series of self-paced courses...
Banned Books Week-Freed Between the Lines
This year’s Banned Books Week, September 22-28, is a reminder of the unifying power of stories. The 2024 theme is...
Celebrate Educational Technology Day
Educational Technology Day is celebrated each September 23. Why not celebrate by exploring all of the educational...
Free Aspen Webinar for WYLD Library Professionals
The Wyoming State Library's WYLD Office will host an Aspen Webinar on September 24 at 10:30 AM for WYLD library...
Craig Johnson Visits Lovell Library
Craig Johnson, author of the popular Longmire book series paid a visit to the Lovell Library on the evening of...
Celebrate Read an eBook Day
Today is Read an eBook Day! Whether you make a daily habit of reading eBooks on your computer, phone, or eReader, or...
Happy Constitution Day!
Constitution Day is celebrated in the United States each year on September 17. Read more about Constitution Day and...
Collect Rocks Day
September 16 is Collect Rocks Day! Looking for resources to help you identify that shiny stone you found or the know...
State Of Wyoming Approves $8.4 Million In ARPA Funding for Library Construction
The Wyoming State Library (WSL) has approved $8.4 million in American Rescue Plan Act grant funding for nine Wyoming...
Wyoming State Library Directors’ Orientation
Five Wyoming library directors from various parts of the state gathered at the Wyoming State Library in Cheyenne for...
German Language Day
Kannst du Deutsch sprechen? (Can you speak German?) Even if you can't, if you are an English-speaker, you speak a...
Genealogy Webinar Recording Now Available
A recording of the live webinar, Genealogy Basics for Wyoming Libary Staff, with Elaine Hayes and Oranda Davis has is...
Roald Dahl Day
What's your favorite Roald Dahl book? September 13, Roald Dahl Day, is the perfect opportunity to dust off your...
Happy National Video Game Day
September 12 was National Video Game Day! Whether you enjoy playing the retro games or the latest releases, your local...
Libraries Remember Day
Libraries Remember Day is observed annually on this date in honor of those who lost their lives in the tragic events...
Hulett County Library Patrons Get Carded for Library Card Sign-Up Month
The Hulett Branch Library has begun celebrating Library Card Sign-Up Month with a "Get Carded" campaign encouraging...
A Belated Happy International Literacy Day to You!
Yesterday, September 6, was the official date of International Literacy Da ILD), but the special global events in...
National Read a Book Day
National Read a Book Day is celebrated each September 6. Why not celebrate by visiting your nearest Wyoming library...
Constitution Day is Approaching
Constitution Day is celebrated in the United States each year on September 17. The legislation that made this day...
2024 Association of Bookmobile and Outreach Services Conference
The Association of Bookmobile and Outreach Services (ABOS) will hold their 2024 conference, “Racing the Serve Beyond...